Our Services
➝ Snorring Appliances
➝ Occlusal guards
➝ Sports Mouthguards
It is common for people to think the word “appliances” only relate to teenagers; however appliances can actually help paitents of all ages. Whether it is to help sleep apnea patients stop snorring, or to protect the mouth while playing sports, we can help!

Cosmetic Dentistry
➝ Clear Aligners
➝ Tooth Whitening
➝ Veneers
Not only does a beautiful smile enhance your appearance, it boosts your confidence! If you have major or minor imperfections that you’d like to correct, the Dentistry at Park Place team can help! We offer a variety of cosmetic dental services to help you love your smile.
➝ Sore & Bleeding Gums
➝ Bad Breath
➝ Pain while Chewing
➝ Tooth & Bone Loss
Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. There are several stages in the disease process and the more advanced stages are characterized by the symptoms listed above.

preventive & Diagnostic
➝ Professional Cleanings
➝ Oral Cancer Screening
➝ Sealants
➝ Fluoride Treatments
Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to keep them healthy. This helps to avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and more.
Restorative Dentistry
➝ Crowns & Bridges
➝ Crown Lengthening
A crown is sometimes termed a “cap” or “jacket.” A crown will restore a large filling or a cracked tooth to its natural size, shape and color. A crown may be recommended after root canal therapy has been completed, as the tooth tends to become brittle and is more likely to fracture.

➝ Warm and Friendly Atmosphere
➝ TV & Music in rooms, headphones included
➝ Refreshment Bar
Going to the dentist can absolutely be an enjoyable experience! Therefore, we have a several options to ensure all patients feel comfortable and well taken care of while in our office!

➝ Sore & Bleeding Gums
➝ Bad Breath
➝ Pain while Chewing
➝ Tooth & Bone Loss
Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. There are several stages in the disease process and the more advanced stages are characterized by the symptoms listed above.

Preventative & Diagnostic

Restorative Dentistry
➝ Crowns & Bridges ➝ Crown Lengthening A crown is sometimes termed a “cap” or “jacket.” A crown will restore a large filling or a cracked tooth to its natural size, shape and color. A crown may be recommended after root canal therapy has been completed, as the tooth tends to become brittle and is more likely to fracture.
➝ Warm and Friendly Atmosphere ➝ TV & Music in rooms, headphones included ➝ Refreshment Bar Going to the dentist can absolutely be an enjoyable experience! Therefore, we have a several options to ensure all patients feel comfortable and well taken care of while in our office!